Monday 21 March 2016

What is Marijuana and its Medical Uses?

                 “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”―Bob Marley

Marijuana, the most controversial plant product in the history of mankind, is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. The Indian hemp plant out of which various cannabis drugs like marijuana and hashish are processed was grown to be used as a hallucinogen thousands of years ago. Although marijuana contains scores of different chemicals, the main ingredient which affects the mind is tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). The amount of THC in marijuana determines the strength of the drug processed through it.  Various natural factors such as weather and soil determine the percentage of THC found in the plant. With the implementation and advancement of farming techniques, it is now possible to develop different strains of the marijuana plant with varying levels of THCV. These levels are very often much higher than their natural occurrence.

Marijuana Uses

Marijuana is loaded with many mind-altering ingredients which if used appropriately can have immense medicinal benefits. Other than THC; Cannabinoids are chemicals which form marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient. The marijuana plant contains more than 100 other cannabinoids. Medical marijuana is the term used to describe the use of marijuana’s key ingredients to treat diseases or to improve their corresponding symptoms. The use of cannabis as a medicine has not been rigorously scientifically tested due to production restrictions; however it is a known fact that medical marijuana has several potential beneficial effects. Medical marijuana has been a part of the medicine chest since times immemorial. Scientists are conducting preclinical and clinical trials with marijuana and its extracts to treat numerous diseases and conditions, such as autoimmune diseases like HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, which causes gradual loss of muscle control, Alzheimer’s disease, which causes loss of brain function, affecting memory, thinking, and behavior and other mental disorders. Comparative studies have found cannabinoids to be more effective than some more conventionally popular medicines such as prochlorperazine and metoclopramide in various conditions; but these are used less frequently because of side effects including dizziness and hallucinations. Long-term medical marijuana uses may cause nausea and vomiting. There is insufficient data to draw strong conclusions about the safety of medical marijuana. 

Cannabis Medical Uses

Typically, adverse effects of medical cannabis use are not serious, these include: tiredness, dizziness, cardiovascular and psychoactive effects. Tolerance to these effects develops over a period of days or weeks. The amount of cannabis normally used for medicinal purposes is not believed to cause any permanent cognitive impairment in adults, though long-term treatment in adolescents should be weighed carefully as they are more susceptible to these impairments. Withdrawal symptoms are rarely a problem with controlled medical administration of cannabinoids. The ability to drive vehicle or operating machinery may be impaired until a tolerance is developed. Although it is commonly believed that medical marijuana is safe, further research is required to assess the long-term safety of its use..

Marijuana has a direct impact on the human autonomic nervous system (ANS), sending it into a state of instantaneous relaxation. This is why, with marijuana, the feeling is both relaxed and alert, which explains, in part, the experience of being “free”. Normally the body swings between the two opposing and conflicting modes of being. The effect of marijuana somehow blends in these two forms without any restrictive barrier. Marijuana, by its effect on the ANS, enriches both sides of the brain. The action of marijuana enhances and sharpens the functioning and perceptions of both sides of the brain. The instantaneous relaxation of the ANS enhances the blood circulation and increasing the oxygenation of the circulated blood. Oxygen, being vital for the effective functioning of the brain leads to a heightened sense of clarity and better thought process. 

The core effect of marijuana is more pronounced due to our mental state. Marijuana, by its effect on the ANS, enhances both sides of the brain has an overall balancing effect. It both stimulates and relaxes, simultaneously, which equates to an unpredictable variation in effect that is solely dependent on the state of its subject. As the body’s workings can become more harmonious with marijuana, the functioning of the five senses can be noticeably improved, hence leading to a more satiated state of mind.

Medical Marijuana

Marijuana regulation in Canada is under marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulation (MMPR). Under this the individuals who have the support of their healthcare practitioner can access marijuana for medical purposes from licensed producers only.  A list of licensed producers can is readily available, however the ordered shipment of the marijuana can be procured only on producing the medical prescription. The maximum amount that may be possessed by clients registered with a licensed producer is 30 times the daily amount indicated by their healthcare practitioner, to a maximum of 150 grams.

Individuals who access marijuana for medical purposes from licensed producers are not permitted to let others use their marijuana, grow or cultivate marijuana, import to/export from Canada. Production of derivatives out of marijuana is also strictly prohibited.